STRONG RESEARCH There are over 50 clinical research studies demonstrating improvements in movement when using RAS (Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation).
Specifically, walking speed has been shown to be higly correlated to fall risk. A study showed that each 0.1 m/s increase in walking speed was correlated to a 7% decrease in fall risk (Verghese et al., 2009).
MARKED IMPROVEMENT Randomized Control Trials in multiple indications, including stroke, MS, Cerebral Palsy, and PD, demonstrated improved walking when RAS was delivered. (Suh et al., 2014; Conklyn, et al., 2010; Kim, et al., 2012; Bukowska, et al., 2016).

BETTER THAN STANDARD OF CARE RAS is better than standard of care, as shown in RCT that yielded better outcomes than physical therapy in stroke patients (Thaut, 1997).
MedRhythms is a neuro-rehab company that exists to restore the lives and quality of life of loved ones, which brain injury threatens to steal each year. We do this through world-class, life changing care for those afflicted by neurologic injury or disease, using the power of Neurologic Music Therapy.
MedRhythms focuses on this intersection between music, neuroscience, and technology, providing interventions to achieve optimum outcomes in sensorimotor, speech & language, and cognitive goals in patients.